Oil Painting Reproductions Art Reproductions and Oil Portrait

Oil Painting Reproduction of
Famous World Masterpieces,
Oil Paintings for Sale.
Fine Art Reproductions.

Oil Paintings Reproduction and  Reproductions of Art
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 Art Reproductions Studio      Take a look at the place , where our hand painted reproductions and original paintings are created. Our artists work here and create masterpieces. We are committed to customer service, and now will walk with you step-by-step through the painting process. All starts with a simple white canvas and results in a piece of Art with a spirit of its own .
      WORLD CLASSIC GALLERY painters have acquired their painting experience for a long creative period. One of them is good at impressionism, other is a master of the more classical way of painting, some are marinists or landscape painters. No matter what painting you may order the reproduction will be executed perfectly by an artist, who is best experienced in the particular style . The painters create original paintings as well, and that's why you get not just a simple oil painting, resembling another one , but rather an art reproduction, bearing the spirit of the original.


      We use oil paints and canvas of the finest French quality, which ensures long life for your oil painting. We mainly use " Pébéo " and in particular the exclusive luxury series " Pebeo Fragonard ".

 Art Reproductions Materials   Art reproductions Hand Painted      For centuries the " Pebeo " brand has been one of the most qualified oil paint and canvas manufacturer. The selection of siccative oils - the binder - and other major factors ensure long term durability to your art reproduction: avoiding irreversible deterioration such as overall darkening of the reproduction, variation in brilliance or the appearance of microcracks. Through the latest studies carried out jointly with the National Photoprotection Evaluation Centre, Pebeo has been able to develop for Huile d'Art outstanding blend of oils, that guarantee the best preservation of the oil painting.
      The Pebeo canvasses that we use ensure the durability of the oil paintings . After an impregnation layer (undercoat) are applyed the finishing layers. Formulated on the basis of a thermoplastic binder, these layers absorb all kind of shocks and deformations of the canvas, limit the risks of crackling and the phenomena of microcracking. The semi-porosity allows the film to breathe and improves the adhesion of the picturial layers.


      Let's take a walk through the process of creating an oil painting reproduction .

     After we receive your order and depending on the style of the oil painting I subscribe the reproduction to the painter.

 Art Reproductions at Stages II  Art Reproductions at Stages III  Oil Painting Reproductions at Stages  Art Reproductions at Stages IV  Art  Reproductions at Stages V

     1. The Reproduction starts with a simple sketch on a blank canvas. The painter uses a pencil or charcoal and shapes the subjects onto the canvas. He will mainly focus on the painting's composition.
     2. Every painter has his own technique of reproducing, but in usual he will first begin to apply paint to the canvas, following the pencil outline. He’ll start with the background and go to what first grabs his interest. Here he is absorbed by the painting and may meticulously concentrate on any part of the painting, whereas other parts are still beeing kept untouched.
      3. The artist will deepen the colour tonality. He applies paint texture where needed, and will later coat it with thin transparent layers to achieve colour richness. At this stage of the reproduction the painter will sporadically go from one part of the painting to another, which at a later stage of painting will be bound together.
     4. At this later stage of the painting process the painter will bound all parts together, here he will apply velatures to achieve the fantastic colour brilliance , something that the Old Masters were so good at. The artist will use big and small brushes , and will apply thick or transparent brush strokes. He will concentrate on any detail until he achieves maximum resemblance with the original oil painting.
     5. The art reproduction must be varnished with at least two layers . This final touch to the painting is very important , because it will preserve the paint from humidity and give the painting a glossy look.

 Oil Paintings , art reproductions PACKAGING AND SHIPPING

     The finished reproductions are rolled in strong cardboard or plastic tubes, then certified , insured and hand delivered to the shipping address you have provided. Once your order has been shipped you will receive notification from both our online retailer and from us. Shipping usually takes 3 to 5 business days .


 Framing Oil Paintings      Your oil painting reproduction has adfditional two inches of blank canvas on each side, needed to stretch it on a frame. When holding a framed painting, hold the frame from the back and do not touch the painting's surface with fingers. An oil painting needs no particular care. When you clean it do not use cleaning products, but just a soft cloth. If a thick layer of paint is applied to your art reproduction ( such as impressionist oil paintings have - Monet, Degas, Van Gogh, Cezanne ), be careful and do not touch the painting’s surface or press anything against it, for at least a month after receipt.
      Copyright © 1999-2021. Art Reproductions Gallery. Museum quality fine art Oil Painting Reproduction & portraits.