Oil Painting Reproductions Art Reproductions and Oil Portrait

Oil Painting Reproduction of
Famous World Masterpieces,
Oil Paintings for Sale.

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City and Village Landscapes
Mountains and Forest Landscapes
Multi Figurative
Figurative Art
Mythological Paintings
Animals & Wildlife Paintings
Sacred Art
Sea Landscapes
Paintings of Flowers
Portrait oil painting
Still Life Paintings

Looking Out To Sea, 1873
Art Reproductions
Looking Out To Sea, 1873
Oil on canvas, 49 x 23 7/8 inches
Private Collection
The Water Mill, 1892
Art Reproductions
The Water Mill, 1892
Oil on canvas
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Eleanor Holding a Shell
Art Reproductions
Eleanor Holding a Shell
Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 inches
Private Collection
Indian Guide, 1927
Art Reproductions
Indian Guide, 1927
Oil on canvas, 32 x 40 inches
Private Collection
Against the Sky, 1906
Art Reproductions
Against the Sky, 1906
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
The Sunny Window, 1919
Art Reproductions
The Sunny Window, 1919
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
Margaret Strong, c. 1909
Art Reproductions
Margaret Strong, c. 1909
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
The Black Hat, 1904
Art Reproductions
The Black Hat, 1904
Oil on canvas
The Black Hat, 1904
Art Reproductions
The Black Hat, 1904
Oil on canvas, 40x32 in
Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art
The Sisters
Art Reproductions
The Sisters
Oil on canvas, 40x40 inches
Private Collection
Calm Morning, 1904
Art Reproductions
Calm Morning, 1904
Oil on canvas, 44x36 in
Museum of Fine Arts, USA
Girl Playing Solitaire, 1909
Art Reproductions
Girl Playing Solitaire, 1909
Oil on canvas, 50.5x40.5 in
Worcester Art Museum, USA
Summer, 1909
Art Reproductions
Summer, 1909
Oil on canvas, 36x44 in
Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art , USA
 The Loge , 1880
Art Reproductions
The Loge , 1880
Oil on canvas, 31 1/2 x 25 1/4 inches
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Lydia at the Tapestry Loom
Art Reproductions
Lydia at the Tapestry Loom
Oil on canvas, 25 1/2 x 36 1/2 inches
Flint Institute of Arts, Michigan
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