Oil Painting Reproductions Art Reproductions and Oil Portrait

Oil Painting Reproduction of
Famous World Masterpieces,
Oil Paintings for Sale.
Figurative Art

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Figurative Art

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City and Village Landscapes
Mountains and Forest Landscapes
Multi Figurative
Figurative Art
Mythological Paintings
Animals & Wildlife Paintings
Sacred Art
Sea Landscapes
Paintings of Flowers
Portrait oil painting
Still Life Paintings

Stolen fruit is the sweetest
Art Reproductions
Stolen fruit is the sweetest
Oil on canvas, 24 1/4 x 20 1/4 inches
Private Collection
Art Reproductions
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
Cezanne - Card Players
Art Reproductions
Cezanne - Card Players
Oil on canvas, 17 3/4 x 22 1/2 in
Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Les gentilshommes du duc d'Orléans
Art Reproductions
Les gentilshommes du duc d'Orléans
Oil on canvas
Mother and Child, c.1865
Art Reproductions
Mother and Child, c.1865
Oil on canvas, 18 7/8 x 32 1/4 inches (48.2 x 82 cm)
Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery
Music Lesson, c.1877
Art Reproductions
Music Lesson, c.1877
Oil on canvas, 36 1/2 x 46 3/8 inches (92.8 x 118.1 cm)
Museum: Guildhall Art Gallery, London, England
North-West Passage
Art Reproductions
North-West Passage
Oil on canvas
Private collection
A Souvenir of Velazquez
Art Reproductions
A Souvenir of Velazquez
Oil on canvas
Private collection
At the Ball
Art Reproductions
At the Ball
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Young Woman Sewing in a Garden
Art Reproductions
Young Woman Sewing in a Garden
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Heraldic Chivalry
Art Reproductions
Heraldic Chivalry
Oil on canvas, 35.04 x 53.54 inches [89 x 136 cm]
Private collection
Deux Filles Avec Un Panier De Chatons [Two Girls With A Basket Of Kittens]
Art Reproductions
Deux Filles Avec Un Panier De Chatons [Two Girls With A Basket Of Kittens]
Oil on canvas
Private collection
A Careful Stitch
Art Reproductions
A Careful Stitch
Oil on canvas, 20 x 17.01 inches [50.8 x 43.2 cm]
Private collection
La Lettre [The Letter]
Art Reproductions
La Lettre [The Letter]
Oil on canvas
Private collection
Young Girl with Lamb
Art Reproductions
Young Girl with Lamb
Oil on panel
Private collection
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